What is computer?

                            What is computer?

Computer is an electronic device which accepts raw data from input devices and process in a processing unit and gives us result through output devices. It can also store data, instruction and the output if required for further use. It can process both numerical and non numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations. The working principle of computer can be summarized as IPO (Input, Process and Output) cycle.

 IPO Cycle
Input                                                   Process                                                    Output
 (Input devices)                                    (CPU)                                                      (Output devices)

Input is the raw data e.g. collection of letters, numbers, images etc. entered into a computer from the input devices. E.g. keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball, web cam, etc.

Process is the operation of the data as per given instruction. This process is unseen. CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the main processing device.

Output is a processed data given by computer after data processing. It is also called a result.

Characteristics of Computer Speed
Computer performs complex calculation at very high speed. This speed varies from a few microseconds to nanoseconds.
Fraction of seconds:
1 millisecond     = 1/1000th of a second (10-3)
1 microsecond   = 1/1000000 of a second (10-6)
1 nanosecond     = 1/1000000000 of a second (10-9)
1 picoseconds    = 1/1000000000000 of second (10-12)

Computer are very accurate as it performs any task under the set of instruction called program. Computer always gives 100% actual output, if the user provides correct input and instruction.
Storage capability
The computer have the ability to store a huge amount of data in its secondary devices like floppy disk and hard disk. This helps in analyzing data and taking decision. The storing capacity of computer is expressed in Bytes. Normally one byte stores one character of data.
0,1 = 1 bit
4 bits = 1 nibble
8 bits             =  1byte = 1 character
1024 byte     = 1 KB (kilo byte)
1024 KB = 1 MB (mega byte)
1024 MB       = 1 GB (giga byte)
1024 GB        = 1 TB (tetra byte)
1024 TB         = 1 PB (peta byte)
1024 PB = 1 EB (exa byte)
1024 EB = 1 ZB (zetta byte)
1024 ZB = 1 YB (yotta byte)
Computer has ability to perform various task and are capable to do so. Computer can process any kind of data.
Diligence is a capability of performing repeated operation without any tiredness and any mistakes. So, computer does.
Computer output is 100% accurate and it is reliable, if the input data and information is correct.
Indescribable benefits
Many organizations and companies use computer for indescribable benefits such as flexibility, business growth and the psychological factor for attracting consumers to buy their products or services.
Uses of computer
Computer, the most power ful machine today, is being used everywhere, like in:
Business and industry
Health care
Education communication
Science and technology 
Government, etc
Disadvantages of computer
Individual privacy is not guaranted
Causes unemployment

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